You can make an immediate and transformative difference by donating to Swinburne’s Area of Greatest Need.
When you give to Swinburne you invest in a new generation of problem-solvers and tech-rich solutions to the wicked problems of now. By directing your gift where funds are most critically needed right now, you are helping to ensure we maximise our impact providing transformative education and strategic investments in world class research discovery.
With unparalleled strengths in our unique areas of expertise, Swinburne is strongly positioned to solve contemporary problems.
Together, we can truly make a difference.
Urgent Impact Areas
Student Success
Transformative Education and Experiences
Better World Research
Student Success

Access Scholarships
We strive to ensure that everyone who wishes to study at Swinburne, can do so, accessing the opportunity to attain a high-quality tertiary education, regardless of personal circumstances.
Indigenous Advancement
Swinburne’s Moondani Toombadool Centre is the key site through which we increase participation and successful completion of tertiary studies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Women in STEM
Swinburne’s focus on women in STEM addresses the underrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Student Emergency Fund
The Student Emergency Fund helps students impacted by emergencies, disasters or moment in time hardship to access the financial support they need to get through.
Get in touch
Contact Swinburne’s Philanthropy team to learn more about how your support can enable people and technology to come together for a better world. Call us on +61 3 9214 4409 or email